Sunday, February 24, 2013

If not 'sequester,' then what? Five ideas from left and right.

Few in Washington believe that ?the sequester? ? automatic spending cuts that will hit the federal budget to the tune of $85 billion as of March 1 ??is a good idea. It has been described variously as a blunt instrument, a cleaver, stupid, and akin to shooting the Department of Defense in the head.

But what?s been proposed as an alternative?

Well, members of Congress, the White House, and deficit-reduction gurus Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles (remember their special bipartisan commission?) have all put forward their plans to replace it. The thinking is that surely there is a better way than to proceed with the sequester?s across-the-board cuts for every line in the federal budget, as if each is of equal importance.

While the sequester will require cuts in nearly all core federal functions, some slices of government are exempt. Social Security payments will still go out as usual. Active-duty military personnel won?t be cut; nor will services for veterans. Some social services, including nutrition assistance and the Medicaid health program for poor Americans, are also exempt from cuts.

But pretty much everything else is sequester-eligible. What to do instead? Here are five anti-sequester options that are out there.?

- David Grant,?Staff writer

Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona (r.) and James Inhofe of Oklahoma attend a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Susan Walsh/AP/File)

1. The defense hawks: ?Shrink the federal workforce instead?

Top Republicans on the House and Senate armed services committees (Rep. Buck McKeon of California and Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, respectively) are among those who have joined stalwart defense hawks like Sen. John McCain (R) of Arizona to propose this one-year fix: Slash the federal workforce instead of making all the other cuts (in the process staving off $42.7 billion in cuts to the US military this fiscal year).

The defense hawks would shrink the federal workforce by 10 percent through attrition ? or about 210,000 positions. Federal agencies would be allowed to hire one person for every three who leave, netting $85 billion in savings over 10 years. The bill also freezes lawmakers? pay.

Such a hiring regimen would allow each federal agency to direct new hires to its most vital divisions instead of instituting across-the-board cuts. The lawmakers propose a fix for a single year, in the hope that a broader compromise might be reached within that period.

?To the president: We bear responsibility as Republicans for allowing this to happen,? Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) of South Carolina said in early February at a press conference introducing the bill. ?Lead us to a better solution. If you do not, Mr. President, you will go down in history, in my view, as one of the most irresponsible commanders in chief in the history of the country because what you will have done, Mr. President, is you will have allowed the finest military in the history of the world to deteriorate at a time when we need it the most.?

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Is it Crazy To Charge People To Send You Email?

Woman sitting at laptop. Too much email? There might be a solution.

Photo by John Howard/Photodisc.

How many e-mails do you have in your inbox? In general, each one represents a task?something to read, a query to answer, a meeting to schedule, a bill to pay, a request to fulfill or deny. Also on your to-do list: Facebook messages, LinkedIn requests, and Twitter direct messages. Whether it?s a social network message or old-school e-mail, all are items to handle, and all placed there by other people.

Is it fair that you have to prioritize these things, collect them in one place, or switch among them? Isn?t there some way that the senders could assume some of that responsibility?

Of course, this is already happening, in part. Facebook decides what to show you. You decide whom to follow on Twitter. LinkedIn charges people to send more than a certain number of introductory e-mails and penalizes people who send too many unwelcome messages. And Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft (among others) filter spam using everything from content analysis to sender behavior to various methods of authentication.

All of these are useful approaches, but none alleviates the recipient?s burden: The system still lets other people add things to my to-do list. But there is another way: The sender figures out what matters and puts money behind that choice.

The short version is that a sender must pay to send mail, while a recipient can set the price. Of course, this notion provokes angst: What happens to poor but worthy people? What about friends? Won?t it be confusingly complex? The answer is twofold. First, the recipient can decide what to charge, and set different prices (or no price at all) for different people or categories, and can even forgive the charges retroactively. Second, there will be services to handle it all for you. The basic service sets a single price, but higher-end services offer (and charge for) as much complexity as anyone could want. Or, if you want to avoid making a lot of decisions, you could select from a set of defaults. (And if you eschew commercializing your time, you could give the money to a charity.)

But the main question is why anyone should pay to send e-mail when they can do so for free. Isn?t it unfair to cut off access?

In the end, people are paying to get someone?s attention. You can go on sending free e-mail, but if you want to get the attention of certain busy people, you pay. Isn?t that more democratic than having to join a club or undergo an interview with their assistant to meet them?

The point of the payment is not so much the money as it is a signal of how someone values his time. For that reason, people will try to hide the mechanics when possible. For example, when messaging someone who charges, you may see a warning only if the recipient is above your payment limit. Another way in will be to join groups?most likely closed groups?that allow free messages among members.

From the sender side, the initial reaction may be, ?Why can?t I reach this person without paying?? Soon, however, more people will say, ?Hey, I want that service, too! I can?t afford a personal assistant to screen my e-mail, but now I can push the burden back to the senders, who have to consider how likely I am to want their message and to respond in the way they hope.?

Over time, a variety of specialist service providers will emerge?single-topic experts and general mail managers. Mail recipients will set their prices for different kinds of mail/requests/senders. The mail managers will also handle incoming messages and Facebook, LinkedIn, and other requests as specified by the recipient, and will collect credit card information from senders (or more likely charge their PayPal accounts or navigate other payment systems as they emerge).

The recipient is unlikely to see the complexities; most of this will be handled in the background. To start, you can simply set your price at, say, $1, along with a list of people who can reach you for free. There will be lots of glitches at the beginning, starting with people you know who have multiple e-mail addresses, old friends not on your current white list of free senders, and so on. But such challenges will diminish over time, and, as less mail gets sent, a higher proportion of it will be wanted and answered.

A couple of other useful changes will follow. Companies will insist on a more careful distinction between corporate and personal e-mail address use. For example, Yahoo may collect $1 on behalf of its employees when they are ?disturbed? at work by mail from friends. But for actual paying customers trying to reach Yahoo, there may well be a white list of potential advertisers, all writing from their corporate e-mail accounts. (I am an investor in, a third-party service that offers paid support from former employees and other experts in a non-e-mail version of this idea, and invested in Boxbe, which started out with sender-pays e-mail but eventually pivoted. I think the time is now becoming right.)

There is, of course, a risk that some people simply will try to get rich by charging for incoming mail that they never read. Caveat sender! The whole point is to get senders to consider more carefully to whom they send mail. The burden needs to go somewhere, and shifting it back to its creators makes sense.

This article was originally published by?Project Syndicate.?For more from?Project Syndicate,?visit their?Web site?and follow them on?Twitter?or?Facebook.


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

MLB At Bat 2013 app warms up for spring training, starts pitching in BB10's bullpen

MLB at bat 2013 app warms up for spring training, starts pitching in BB10's bullpen

For some, the change of the season is marked not by calendars or climate changes, but by the beat of sports fandom. Rest easy, baseball fans: spring is finally here. Naturally, Major League Baseball is heralding in the weather by updating its MLB At Bat app for 2013 spring training, touting new features for Android and iOS users alike. The apps updated team pages, retooled navigation and classic games library are universally available to both Android and iOS users, but the iPhone will score an enhanced and searchable video library and an exclusive home screen customization feature. MLB promises to pipe in more functionality before the season opens, however -- including mobile access for BlackBerry 10 users. What hasn't changed? The price, of course: Android subscribers will need to pony up $20 for the year, while iOS retains its $3 monthly subscription plan. Slide past the break for the official press release.

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Source: MLB


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Microsoft employees have record-breaking year of philanthropy, raise $105 million

In 2012, Microsoft Corp. employees raised $105 million for nearly 19,000 nonprofit organizations through individual donations, volunteer efforts and company-wide fundraising activities. Of the total amount raised by employees, $60 million went to nonprofits in the state of Washington.

Organizations that received the most cash donations in 2012 included United Way of King County, World Vision, Northwest Harvest, Hopelink, Doctors Without Borders and Seattle Children's Hospital Foundation.

This was the second year in a row in which employee giving topped $100 million and was the highest ever. In 2011, Microsoft employees raised $100.5 million. Nearly two-thirds of Microsoft employees in the United States participated in the 2012 Employee Giving Program, about 37,000 employees, and 40 percent of participants donated more than 60 hours of their time or $1,000. About 2,700 employees, friends and family raised more than $300,000 through their participation in Microsoft's annual 5K Run/Walk.

Microsoft alumni have also created more than 150 nonprofits since leaving the company, including See Your Impact and Jolkona.

Since Microsoft started its employee giving program in 1983, employees have raised $1 billion.


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Four-Year-Old Hero Pulls Sister From Car Crash That Killed Their Mom (VIDEO)

Four-Year-Old Hero Pulls Sister From Car Crash That Killed Their Mom (VIDEO)

Aryanna Rath and sister Lylah Huff photosA four-year-old little girl from Oregon rescued her two-year-old injured sister after a tragic car crash that left their mother dead. Little Aryanna Rath, 4, drug her little sister Lylah, 2, out of the wrecked vehicle and wrapped them in a blanket while they waited for help to arrive. The mother, 26-year-old Jessica Marie Rath ...

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Generic iPhone 5 Accessories Disappoint - Business Insider

M. Woodruff/Business Insider

Generic iPhone Earpods vs. the real deal.

When I held my brand new iPhone 5 in an AT&T store back in December, I knew it was love at first sight.?

Then I forgot my charger at home for the first time.

The three perfectly good iPhone 4 chargers I had stashed in my desk were completely useless, and I went home with a dead phone for the first time ever.

The honeymoon phase was over.

Like the iPhone addict that I am, I knew I needed at least four backups in order to have a guaranteed source of power wherever I went.?

I couldn't stomach dropping another $80 on chargers so soon after blowing $300 on a new phone, which is why I was thrilled to see an incredible Cost Brothers/Via Google Offers deal in January.

For $17 + $5 shipping, I got what looked like a pair of iPhone 5 Earpods, a 10-ft Lightning cable, a car charger and a wall charger (valued at $106 dollars).

I was only interested in the Earpods and charger (I don't drive and my old wall chargers work just fine with the iPhone 5), but since both are worth $20 - $30 a piece, I figured it was still a good deal. I went for it.?

And I was deeply disappointed.?

When the package finally arrived a few weeks later, I immediately tried out the headphones. They looked almost identical to the real thing.?

But it didn't take long to realize these were no Earpods. Everything I listen to sounds as if I'm at one end of a tin can and the music is on the other end of the world. Other people I know who purchased the same deal were similarly disappointed.?

After the earbuds, I took a closer look at the wall charger. According to the label, it's made by a generic brand called "Happy China." The same plug sells for?a measly $1.52?on ?There are no manufacturers labeled on the other items in the bundle, so I couldn't check.

Maybe all of the items in this kit would be valued at $106 if they were manufactured by Apple, but as far as I can tell, these are exactly the kind of generic knockoffs tech experts predicted would flood the market soon after the new phone was released. I've had $5 earbuds from Big Lots that sound better than what Cost Brothers is selling.

Earlier today, I called up Cost Brothers as a regular customer with a complaint. A representative answered after the third ring, was perfectly polite and even offered to send a replacement pair of earbuds to me straight away.?

But when I called again later and asked to speak with a press representative, they were less than helpful. The person I spoke with (someone named Oscar) told me they "never said the accessories were from Apple" and promptly hung up on me.?

The problem, however, isn't that the product isn't Apple-made. It's that they say it's valued at $106 when it's safe to say it's not. I reached out to a press rep for Google Offers, which is still running the same deal through April, and am waiting to hear back.

The takeaway: If you're looking for low-cost Apple accessories, just know what you're getting yourself into. Most of those amazing deals are simply knockoffs. I did get an extra charger out of the deal, and it works fine as far as I can tell, but I can't help but feel like I paid $22 for five items and got only one that's of any use. I might as well have shelled out the $30 for a new charger from an actual Apple store and saved on shipping.?


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Nikon to pay Microsoft for Android-related patent license

Nikon signs Microsoft license deal for Androidrelated patents

Microsoft believes every Android device maker owes money for (reportedly) using its patents, and it's been striking a lot of matching royalty deals that mostly focus on phone designers. While there wasn't necessarily much doubt, we can confirm today that dedicated camera makers aren't exempt: Nikon just signed a similar deal. Although the terms are once again secret, the agreement will see Nikon pay Microsoft a royalty for "certain" cameras running Android, which likely involves the Coolpix S800c as well as any future shooters. In case you're wondering, Samsung's broader patent license deal already covers the Galaxy Camera. This new pact mostly gives Nikon equal treatment -- and shows that Microsoft casts a wide net.

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Source: Microsoft


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

FOR KIDS: Where cosmic rays are born

New evidence links origin of these very energetic particles to massive explosions of distant stars

New evidence links origin of these very energetic particles to massive explosions of distant stars

By Sid Perkins

Web edition: February 21, 2013


Shock waves in the clouds of gas around an exploding star (as in this artist?s depiction) create charged particles known as cosmic rays.

Credit: Greg Stewart, SLAC Nat'l Accelerator Lab.

About 100 years ago, researchers discovered a large numbers of very small particles slamming into Earth?s upper atmosphere at high speeds. The mystery particles arrived from all directions. They came from an unknown source apparently outside our solar system. Scientists called them ?cosmic rays.?

Now, a century later, a team of scientists has found the origins of most cosmic rays. They are born from clouds of gas surrounding the ancient and massive explosions of distant stars.

Visit the new?Science News for Kids?website?and read the full story:?Where cosmic rays are born


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'Uuneven' global sea-level rise predicted

Feb. 18, 2013 ? Sophisticated computer modelling has shown how sea-level rise over the coming century could affect some regions far more than others. The model shows that parts of the Pacific will see the highest rates of rise while some polar regions will actually experience falls in relative sea levels due to the ways sea, land and ice interact globally.

Reporting in the journal Geophysical Research Letters researchers have looked ahead to the year 2100 to show how ice loss will continue to add to rising sea levels. Scientists have known for some time that sea level rise around the globe will not be uniform, but in this study the team of ice2sea researchers show in great detail the global pattern of sea-level rise that would result from two scenarios of ice-loss from glaciers and ice sheets.

The team, from Italy's University of Urbino and the UK's University of Bristol, found that ice melt from glaciers, and the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, is likely to be of critical importance to regional sea-level change in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean where the sea level rise would be greater than the average increase across the globe. This will affect in particular, Western Australia, Oceania and the small atolls and islands in this region, including Hawaii.

The study focussed on three effects that lead to global mean sea-level rise being unequally distributed around the world. Firstly, land is subsiding and emerging due to a massive loss of ice at the end of the last ice age 10,000 years ago when billions of tons of ice covering parts of North America and Europe melted. This caused a major redistribution of mass on Earth, but the crust responds to such changes so slowly that it is still deforming. Secondly, the warming of the oceans leads to a change in the distribution of water across the globe. Thirdly the sheer mass of water held in ice at the frozen continents like Antarctica and Greenland exerts a gravitational pull on the surrounding liquid water, pulling in enormous amounts of water and raising the sea-level close to those continents. As the ice melts its pull decreases and the water previously attracted rushes away to be redistributed around the globe.

Co-author Professor Giorgio Spada says, "In the paper we are successful in defining the patterns, known as sea level fingerprints, which affect sea levels.

"This is paramount for assessing the risk due to inundation in low-lying, densely populated areas. The most vulnerable areas are those where the effects combine to give the sea-level rise that is significantly higher than the global average."

He added that in Europe the sea level would rise but it would be slightly lower than the global average.

"We believe this is due to the effects of the melting polar ice relatively close to Europe -- particularly Greenland's ice. This will tend to slow sea-level rise in Europe a little, but at the expense of higher sea-level rise elsewhere."

The team considered two scenarios in its modelling. One was the "most likely" or "mid-range" and the other closer to the upper limit of what could happen.

Professor Spada said, "The total rise in some areas of the equatorial oceans worst affected by the terrestrial ice melting could be 60cm if a mid-range sea-level rise is projected, and the warming of the oceans is also taken into account." David Vaughan, ice2sea programme coordinator, says, "In the last couple of years programmes like ice2sea have made great strides in predicting global average sea-level rise. The urgent job now is to understand how global the sea-level rise will be shared out around the world's coastlines. Only by doing this can we really help people understand the risks and prepare for the future."

Co-author Jonathan Bamber, of Bristol University, says, "This is the first study to examine the regional pattern of sea level changes using sophisticated model predictions of the wastage of glaciers and ice sheets over the next century."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by British Antarctic Survey, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Matteo Spada, Thessa Tormann, Stefan Wiemer, Bogdan Enescu. Generic dependence of the frequency-size distribution of earthquakes on depth and its relation to the strength profile of the crust. Geophysical Research Letters, 2012; DOI: 10.1029/2012GL054198

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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MOS Magnetic Cable Organizer Magnetizes Your Cords and Holds Them Anywhere

MOS Magnetic Cable Organizer Magnetizes Your Cords and Holds Them AnywhereA number of cables stick to magnets automatically, but some need a little help to stay put. The MOS Magnetic Cable organizer adds magnet clips to your cables for easier identification and so they quickly attach to a metal base plate for quick access.

The MOS organizer doesn't take much effort to set up: you just clip little magnet tags onto the cables that need them (e.g. an micro-USB cable and not a MagSafe cable), then lay the tagged cable on the metal base. It'll stick around, nicely organized, until you decide to just gently remove it for use.

Want a DIY version? While it won't add extra magnetic pull to your cables like the MOS' clips, this magnetic binder clip hack costs very little to implement and serves a similar purpose. It's definitely worth a look if you don't want to spend the money.

MOS Magnetic Cable Organizer ($20) | Amazon via Apartment Therapy Tech


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

UI president to tackle high risk drinking, Greek system

by Dee Sarton

Posted on February 19, 2013 at 10:48 PM

Updated yesterday at 11:30 PM

BOISE -- University of Idaho President, Dr. Duane Nellis, is doing something no UI president in memory has ever done - lending the influence of his office to tackle both high risk drinking among students and the universities relationship with fraternities and sororities.

He sat down for an exclusive interview with our Dee Sarton to explain what he hopes to achieve.?

"We are recognized already statistically for being a safe campus, but I'm not satisfied with that," said Nellis.

Nellis presides over Idaho's only land grant university. Its history goes all the way back to Abraham Lincoln. It's Idaho's oldest university, and Dr. Nellis its 17th president.

"Our university is a leading university in the northwest and the nation, and we're proud of our successes," said Nellis.

He points to the highest graduation rate of any public university in Idaho and an average freshman GPA of 3.4.

Nellis recognizes that snapshot of the UI student body is too often overshadowed by tragic headlines involving high risk drinking like the recent death of Joseph Weiderrick. Police say the student left a fraternity party highly intoxicated and died of hypothermia while trying to find his way home.

Nellis is now taking an unprecedented approach. He is forming two task forces charged with helping him set a bold agenda for change.

"Maybe we can step out and be a leader in providing programs and policies that will not only help move the university of Idaho forward but this national issue forward in trying to address that."

And it appears there are no sacred cows.

"Maybe we need to look at a different type of association between the university and Greek system," said Nellis. "I think institutions nationally, we've moved away from some of the direct oversight of fraternity and sororities and we've allowed the organizations to provide some of that oversight. Maybe the pendulum needs to swing back to much greater oversight."

Whatever recommendations come back from the president's task forces in late spring, his bottom line is clear.

"I think it is an opportune time to really look at and insure that what we're doing is best practice," said Nellis. "We want to do everything we can to create a safest environment for our students."

Click the play icon above to watch the full interview with Nellis.


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2013 Autumn Winter London Fashion Week: Erdem

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Posted on by Christina Perez ?

He may be known for churning out ladylike collections?fit for a princess, but don't be fooled. Just a few short years ago,?Erdem?Moralioglu's signature garden prints, delicate laces, and dreamy colour palettes weren't always so pure and sweet. The darkly gorgeous Autumn/Winter 2013 collection the designer presented in London Monday was a welcome reminder that the designer is still quite adept at mixing prettiness with edge.

Layers of black organza shrouded nearly every look, creating a veiled, surreal effect on paillette-covered dresses, tweed suits, and oversize coats. Silhouettes were as ladylike as ever ??high necks, slims skirts ? but thanks to seams that had been sliced away and replaced with sheer fabric, there was a newfound sexiness at play as well. As for the floral prints and romantic laces that have become Moralioglu's calling card? Those were plenty present too. They came in shades of lilac, midnight blue, citrine, and inky black, and were decorated with wispy ostrich feathers, matte sequins, and metallic thread ? all of which was also veiled in layers of sheer black

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U.S. says has brought cyber-theft concerns to Chinese government

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration has repeatedly taken up its concerns about Chinese cyber-theft at the highest levels of the Chinese government, including with Chinese military officials, the White House said on Tuesday.

The U.S. comment followed a report by a U.S. computer security company that said a secretive Chinese military unit is believed to be behind a series of hacking attacks, which prompted a strong denial by Beijing.

"I can tell you that we have repeatedly raised our concerns at the highest levels about cyber theft with senior Chinese officials including in the military and we will continue to do so," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters. But he declined to comment specifically on the contents of the report.

(Reporting By Matt Spetalnick)


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

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OOPS: GOP Rep. Inadvertently Makes The Case For Nearly Doubling The Minimum Wage | ThinkProgress

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Intel Israel more than doubles exports, mulls new investment

Intel?s Israeli subsidiary more than doubled its exports in 2012 to $4.6 billion and is seeking to bring manufacturing of the company?s next generation of chips to Israel.

Intel?s exports, which rose 109 percent from $2.2 billion in 2011, were boosted by the start of production of chips using 22 nanometer technology at its Kiryat Gat plant in southern Israel, which is now operating at full capacity.

Intel, the world?s No. 1 chipmaker, will build chips over the next two to three years with features measuring just 14 nm in Ireland and the United States but the company is already thinking about where it will produce 10 nm chips. The narrower the features, the more transistors can fit on a single chip, improving performance.

Intel Israel executives said they would like to see 10 nm production in Israel.

?The average life of a technology is two to six years so we need to be busy to get the next technology, 10 nanometer,? Maxine Fassberg, general manager of Intel Israel, told a news conference on Sunday. ?We need to get a decision far enough in advance to be able to upgrade the plant. So for 10 nanometer, decisions will need to be made this year.?

Fassberg said upgrading the existing Fab 28 plant in Israel would require a lower investment than building a new plant but would still involve several billion dollars.

Intel Israel has in the past received government grants to help with the costs of its investments and Fassberg told Reuters the company was ?constantly in talks with the government?.

Intel has invested $10.5 billion in Israel in the past decade, including $1.1 billion in 2012, and has received $1.3 billion in government grants.

The company accounted for 20 percent of Israel?s high-tech exports last year and 10 percent of its industrial exports, excluding diamonds.

?If Intel had not increased its exports, Israel?s high-tech exports would have shrunk by 10 percent,? Intel Israel President Mooly Eden said.

Most of Intel Israel?s exports - $3.5 billion - came from its chip manufacturing activities.

Intel is Israel?s largest private employer, with 8,542 workers, up 10 percent from 2011. The company has two plants - in Jerusalem and Kiryat Gat - as well as four research and development centers.

Eden said Intel was also committed to investing in start-ups, having invested in 64 Israeli companies since 1996. In July its global investment arm Intel Capital said it would expand its operations in Israel.


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Cyprus votes for leader to steer it past financial storm

NICOSIA (Reuters) - Cypriots went to the polls on Sunday to elect a president who must negotiate a financial rescue to save the island country from a bankruptcy that would reignite the euro zone debt crisis.

The eastern Mediterranean nation's worst economic crisis in four decades eclipsed its almost four-decade-old partition as the main issue in this year's election, which conservative leader Nicos Anastasiades was tipped to win.

Polls showed Anastasiades, the most pro-bailout figure among the main presidential contenders, with a 15-point lead over his closest leftist rival, Stavros Malas that might even secure the outright majority needed to avoid a run-off a week later.

An air of despondency about the country's grim economic prospects hung over Greek Cypriots as they trickled to the polls. Results from over half a million votes expected to be cast were due by 1830 GMT.

Election officials reported a low morning turnout in mild late-winter sunshine. Most early voters were elderly, dressed in their Sunday best and heading to church mass.

"We don't want to sign a bailout immediately without looking at the terms and conditions; we want something tolerable," said Kyriakos Georgiou, a 73-year-old retired pharmacist. "We have an economic crisis but they can't be grabbing us by the throat."

Investors are keen to see Anastasiades, 66, a lawyer who has led the Democratic Rally party since 1997, clinch victory and get working on a bailout deal with lenders immediately.

He has pledged a quick agreement with the European Union and International Monetary Fund on a rescue, which investors want thrashed out before the island's woes derail progress made in shoring up the rest of the euro zone's periphery.

"It is the survival of our country which is at stake," Anastasiades said after voting in the port town of Limassol, accompanied by his three grandchildren.

Nailing down a deal has proven tricky because almost any way of solving the crisis - from restructuring debt to slapping losses on banks - could set a precedent for other troubled states and damage sentiment just as confidence slowly returns to the euro zone.

Fears that Cyprus will never be able to pay back its debt, and German misgivings about its commitment to fighting money laundering, have further complicated talks on a rescue, which have dragged on for eight months.

"Everything is at stake, like it has never been before," said Kyriakos Iacovides, publisher of the Cyprus Mail newspaper.

"The country must be rebuilt, Cyprus must be rehabilitated in the EU. We need a strong leadership to rebuild the country."

Cyprus sought financial help last year after its banks suffered huge losses from Greece's sovereign debt restructuring. The island, which has been shut out of international financial markets since May 2011, needs about 17 billion euros in aid - a sum worth as much as its entire economy.

Current President Demetris Christofias, a communist, is not seeking re-election.


The last polls showed Anastasiades with just over 40 percent share of the vote, comfortably ahead of Communist-backed Malas and the other main challenger, independent George Lillikas.

Malas has campaigned on a pro-bailout but anti-austerity platform while Lillikas has rejected onerous terms tied to any bailout, saying Cyprus could swiftly extricate itself by using the natural gas reserves that lie under its shores.

"What we have are two weak candidates against a potentially unpopular figure. Anastasiades is a polarizing figure in Cypriot politics, respected but not necessarily liked," said Hubert Faustmann, an associate professor at the University of Nicosia.

"The economy has dominated, and this must be one of the dullest election campaigns I have ever seen. Somehow it hasn't electrified people. They could be jaded."

Anger at unemployment hitting a record high of 15 percent cast a pall over campaigning, where rival candidates jockeyed to cast themselves as the best man to steer Cyprus through its economic storm.

Anastasiades ran on a slogan declaring, "The crisis needs a leader," while Malas retorted with a campaign proclaiming, "The crisis needs a credible leader."

Reuniting Cyprus after its division nearly 40 years ago into a breakaway Turkish Cypriot state in the north and the internationally recognized southern state run by Greek Cypriots has lagged far behind as an election issue.

Cypriots, still coming to grips with a cocktail of pay cuts, tax hikes and benefit cuts imposed last year in preparation for a bailout, have been little impressed by any of the rhetoric.

"I hope that things will be better in terms of the economy and jobs, but I doubt it," said Georgios Poullos, a 41-year-old who is unemployed. "It's not in our hands. I think whoever gets in won't change it."

(Writing by Deepa Babington; Editing by Stephen Powell and Todd Eastham)


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Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Flash in Russian Skies, as Inspiration for Fantasy

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Past and present practitioners of fantasy fiction in print and movies reacted to the views of the meteor that whistled and boomed across Russian skies on Friday with awe ? and some new ideas.


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Power restored to most parts of Syrian capital

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) ? A top Syrian government official says electricity has been restored in most parts of the Syrian capital and that power will gradually reach southern areas.

A power outage plunged Damascus into darkness late Saturday. Much of southern Syria, mainly the provinces of Daraa and Sweida, which abut the Jordanian border, also was affected by the outage.

Electricity Minister Imad Khamis told the state news agency, SANA, Sunday that technical teams were working around the clock to restore power in the south. He said electricity was back on in most parts of Damascus.

He blamed the blackout on an unspecified fault in high-tension lines.

The Syrian capital's 2.5 million residents have grown used to frequent power cuts as the country's conflict has damaged infrastructure and sapped government revenue.


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Lawmakers to visit La. deepwater oil rig

Congressional representatives from Illinois, Florida and Virginia will tour Port Fourchon this week and participate in a roundtable discussion with business leaders focused on oil and gas production and conservation efforts in coastal Louisiana.

Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., tells The Courier the group will visit a deepwater drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Click to read more.


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Saturday, February 16, 2013

USC O-line coach Shawn Elliot to remain with Gamecocks


After rumors circulated he'd interviewed with the University of Alabama's Crimson Tide, South Carolina Gamecocks offensive line coach Shawn Elliot says he's staying put in Columbia.

Elliot revealed his intentions to stay in South Carolina in a statement released Friday afternoon.

Elliot said it was a "great honor" to be considered for a position at Alabama, but it was in his best interests to stay at USC.

"We've had a lot of success here over the past three years and I'm committed to being part of that continued success for many years," said Elliot.

"I'm proud to be a Gamecock."

Alabama has not been the only suitor for Elliot this off-season. According to TheBigSpur, Elliot has turned down positions at Appalachian State, Florida, and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Elliot's news is likely going to be news to coach Steve Spurrier's ears. According to the Head Ball Coach, he only encourages coaches to interview for positions that advance and not lateral moves.

"We sort of have a policy: don't go interview unless it's an advancement. I've always had that policy. If a guy is interviewing for a lateral job, when he comes back home, he may not have one. It's as simple as that. Don't be interviewing for lateral jobs," said Spurrier.

Copyright 2013 WIS. All rights reserved.

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    Fleksy predictive keyboard is free for iOS now and forever

    DNP Fleksy predictive keyboard is free for iOS now and forever

    We've long been fans of Syntellia's Fleksy for its astonishingly accurate predictive touch keyboard, and were excited to see an Android version finally come out to play at CES 2013. Well now there's news that'll please fans on the iOS side: the company has announced the full version of the app, formerly $4.99, is now available for the unbeatable price of free. This isn't just a special weekend offer either; CEO Kostas Eleftheriou told us in an email that it'll be free forever. Eleftheriou said that this is in the interest of a "more open keyboard space, so that more innovations can happen in the area," but also as a service to the blind community, which was Fleksy's original target audience.

    Interestingly, the updated app even includes a direct button to email Apple's CEO Tim Cook so that users can advocate for a more native OS-level integration of Fleksy. It's an audacious goal, but as Eleftheriou stated in the blog post, it's also one that many users have demanded. While we're not sure if such a grass roots campaign will work with Cook and co., you can certainly download the new fully gratis version of Fleksy at the App Store source to give it a go yourself.

    Filed under: , ,


    Source: Fleksy Blog, Fleksy (App Store)


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    Wyatt Smith makes a deal with his students: Learn Chinese. Go to China.

    Birmingham to Beijing sends inner-city high school students in Birmingham, Ala., on a study abroad in Beijing ? if they first learn Chinese.

    By Claire Gibson,?Contributor / February 15, 2013

    Wyatt Smith, who teaches at George Washington Carver High School in Birmingham, Ala., wants to show his students the world.

    Claire Gibson


    It's 7 p.m. on a Wednesday evening, and Wyatt Smith is still in his classroom. The day started 12 hours ago, back when his green tie was firmly in place and his khakis were neatly pressed ? before the classes, parent phone calls, and the three-hour Mandarin lesson for 13 inner-city students at George Washington Carver High School in Birmingham, Ala.

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    For this teacher, long hours are just part of the job description.

    "The students I teach haven't had a lot of cards fall their way," says Mr. Smith while grading a stack of papers in his third-floor classroom. "Through no fault of their own, they're in situations in which the margin for error is zero. For many of them, the prospects of going to college, getting through college, and becoming part of the workforce as a professional are incredibly slim."

    For the past two years, Smith has been working tirelessly to increase those odds. He came to Carver High School as part of the Teach For America program, a nonprofit effort to place highly ambitious recent college graduates in the nation's most underprivileged schools.

    Though he also serves as Carver High School's ACT Test coach, student government adviser, and debate team supervisor, Smith's efforts have focused on a project he calls Birmingham to Beijing, a program geared to fully immerse his inner-city students in Chinese language and culture.

    Last year, Smith's program raised $45,000 in just six weeks and sent seven Carver students on a one-month immersion trip to Beijing's Jiayu School. An experience like that, he says, will help his students stand out when they apply for college.

    This year, Smith is at it again, but he's raised the stakes: In order to earn a spot on the coveted 17-hour flight, students must pass a college-level exam proving their proficiency in the most common Chinese dialect, Mandarin. To prepare them for the test, Smith raised funds to pay for a Mandarin professor from The University of Alabama at Birmingham to lead two after-school seminars a week. (Smith's 13 Mandarin language students are the only students in Birmingham City Schools studying Chinese.)

    Smith first approached Carver principal Darnell Hudson with the proposal to create a Chinese language program, complete with a fully funded trip abroad last spring.

    "I had my doubts at first," Mr. Hudson says. His desk is stacked high with papers, and he's ignoring a phone ringing behind him. "I wondered, 'How am I going to explain this to the parents?' It's not every day that someone comes over and says they want to take kids all the way across the world."

    In fact, in Hudson's 13 years as principal, no teacher had ever made such a request. Public high schools such as Carver struggle just to meet the basic academic needs of students. Financing international travel seemed to be a pipe dream.

    Carver draws its 900 students from Birmingham's lowest-income neighborhoods, where single-parent households, crime, and violence are the norm, Hudson says.

    How to set a high bar in a place where life expectations are low is a challenge.

    "There are a lot of obstacles when you're trying to change the culture," Hudson says. "But Wyatt is passionate, committed, and he rides the students hard. He won't let them fail."

    That determination is something Smith has cultivated since childhood. He grew up a few hundred miles from here on a farm in rural Alabama, where during his high school summers he'd run from football practice to tend cattle on his father's understaffed farm and back to football practice again. "The experience definitely taught me how to work more than typical hours," he says with a laugh. "My dad taught me to never stop working until the goal is met."

    A public service scholarship helped Smith finance his way through Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. Upon graduation in 2010, he was awarded Vanderbilt's Keegan Traveling Fellowship, which supplied him with a one-year grant of $15,000 to travel the world.

    While on his month-long leg in China, Smith befriended the Jiayu School in Beijing and the nonprofit Global China Connection, and he began thinking about how he might use those contacts to benefit students in America.

    "These [Carver] students are hardworking, and naturally intelligent and naturally curious, and all the characteristics that make for a good student in most school environments. But despite those things, they still have a long shot," Smith says with a hint of regret. "And it's not right. I believe they deserve opportunity, and I began to believe I had the skill set and connections to be able to facilitate it."

    Thus began a partnership that has significantly changed the lives of Smith's students. Last February, after a few phone calls to friends in Beijing to plan for his students' participation in a Global China Connection conference, Smith launched an online campaign at, an Internet-based fundraising site, that generated $45,000 in a matter of six weeks.

    His seven students vigorously wrote thank-you notes, recorded videos to send to sponsors, and began planning the itinerary for their trip, which included a stop at the Great Wall.

    "I got on a plane, and my world changed," says DeAnquinetta Gill, a 17-year-old senior who traveled with Smith to Beijing last year. She lives with her mother and seven siblings, and stays at school until 6:30 p.m. twice a week to study Mandarin. She hopes to become a pediatrician ? a revelation she had while working with orphans in China.

    "Mr. Smith has been such a big help in my life," she says. "He came in and has been like a father to me, and showed me that he trusts me, and believes in me. He's really made me a stronger individual."

    Parents also have seen the changes that Smith's commitment to his students has made.

    "Mr. Smith is phenomenal," says Jameka Serrano, mother of one of Smith's current Mandarin students. "He has the heart, and from what I see, he's doing what's best for these kids.

    "I prayed, and I asked God to put certain people in our life for my daughter. I wanted her to be surrounded by someone like Mr. Smith."

    Now, more students might have the opportunity to learn from passionate, determined teachers who think outside the walls of Carver High School. Birmingham City Schools Superintendent Craig Witherspoon says that Smith's model is "replicable," and principal Hudson adds that Smith's example has "sparked other teachers to do a little bit more than just what's required of them."

    Following the trail blazed by Smith, more Carver faculty have begun to approach Hudson with ideas for how to raise funds and plan opportunities for their students to see the world outside Birmingham. Trips by Carver students to France and Spain may be coming in the near future.

    As for a second trip to Beijing, it's contingent on the students' commitment to studying for the Chinese proficiency test, Smith says.

    "The commitment I made for the kids is that if they achieved basic proficiency [in Chinese], then we would figure out a way for them to have an opportunity to study abroad," Smith says. "Every one of these students is very driven. There are some who need to build better study skills, but there's no one there against their will."

    If all 13 students achieve proficiency, Smith says he'll need to raise nearly $50,000.

    This year, Smith plans to focus on garnering corporate support rather than relying solely on individual donations. Like all the other obstacles he's faced as a teacher, the financial hurdle doesn't scare him.

    "I'm cognitively aware that it's a lot of money to raise," Smith says, finally packing the last of his ungraded papers in a leather satchel. "But it's worth all the effort to make this work for these students, because every child who works hard and is disciplined deserves a shot."

    ?Birmingham to Beijing is seeking funds from sponsors. Contact Wyatt Smith at (205) 523-5285 or by e-mail at

    Helping in China

    UniversalGiving helps people give to and volunteer for top-performing charitable organizations worldwide. Projects are vetted by Universal Giving; 100 percent of each donation goes directly to the listed cause.

    Here are three groups selected by UniversalGiving that work in China:

    ? WorldTeach sends volunteers to teach English in developing countries. Project: Volunteer to teach in China.

    ? Globe Aware promotes cultural awareness and sustainability. Project: Volunteer to work at the only nonprofit middle school for migrant children in China.

    ? Global Volunteers works to advance peace, racial reconciliation, and mutual international understanding. Project: Volunteer to teach English or provide care for disabled and vulnerable orphans in Xian, China.


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    Chris Brown Wants To Go Back 'Home' On New Track

    Breezy wishes for the simpler days on new song and video, which is packed with Carpe Diem Tour footage.
    By Maurice Bobb

    Chris Brown in his "Home" video
    Photo: Riveting Entertainment


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